Собственно я забыл запостить сюда ответ тех.поддержки, сделаю это сейчас. ))
Thank you for contacting Fallen Earth Support! Your bug has been forwarded to
the technical department to be evaluated. These reports help in identifying
issues so they may be resolved for you and other users. Please know that this
does not mean that your issue has been resolved, just that it has been sent to
the correct department that deals with these matters. The suggestion of having
the Russian characters has been sent in, and please know that you are allowed
to speak any language in the main chat as long as you follow the basic rules of
the chat.
Thank you,
Fallen Earth Support."
Чёт по-моему они не врубились в суть проблемы.
Зато ответили на другой мой вопрос - насчёт запрета говорить в основном чате на своём языке. ГМы же это запрещают типа. А вот хрен, можно. Я им намекнул просто - "это типа что за расизм, а?". )